Thanksgiving Thoughts
*Note: I wrote this column for “From My Studio” November 24th, 1977.
When I was a child Thanksgiving meant more than the traditional family gathering of relatives from far and near coming home to “Potter Farm Lane”. For me, Thanksgiving meant a walk through the woods to enjoy the crunching leaves, woodsy smells and to gather interesting souvenirs of nature.
We would find milkweed pods and break open. It was fun to wave those pods in the wind to watch each tiny parachute of silky fibers drift to a resting place. When the pods were new and green the stem would issue forth a milky, white sticky susbstance that stayed too long on curious fingers. With fall weather, the milkweed stems were easily cracked loose.
The pod was ready to burst with its package of seeds.
Misty mornings, touches of frost upon dry grass, cold air being drawn in across moist lips brought forth warm thoughts of Thanksgiving. We would bring in baskets of apples from the dying orchard. Mama made home-made applesauce with cinnamon and sugar. Sometimes we made a pot of apple butter which required so much stirring that I vowed I wouldn’t make it again!
One Thanksgiving our collie dog “Princess” was due to deliver her puppies. I slipped away from the relatives to eagerly await the event by sitting in the doghouse with her! Nothing happened until I left. She accomplished the task without my assistance, delivering a fine litter of four wonderful-smelling pups.
At school, Thanksgiving art activities were always fun to do. We made construction paper turkeys from colored construction paper. We practiced the Thanksgiving play with American Indians and Pilgrim Fathers.
In those days (and today, too) Thanksgiving brought forth feelings of love and sharing. We gave to others less fortunate. Today there are many opportunities for giving such Yesterday and today, we can still give the gift of love and caring.
With this thought in mind, I wish to extend warmest thanks to everyone who has made this column possible which has been an addition to the creative spirit within our local community. I love sharing artistic ideas and thoughts with you. As I meet with myh family this Thanksgiving, I will certainly include this “rom My Studio” column as something for which I am thankful.